I WILL REVIEW OFFERS ON THOSE ITEMS HAVING BEST OFFER, BUT WILL ONLY ACCEPT OFFERS THAT ARE REASONABLE. ALSO, I DON'T HAVE THE BEST SCANNER SO IF THE CARD LOOKS LIKE IT IS PAFRTIALLY MISSING BE ASSURED THE CARD IS INTACT. Thanks for stopping by, the card you see in the photos is the card you are bidding on and will receive. If you have any questions, please contact me directly. IF I HAVE ENTERED ANY INFORMATION INCORRECTLY OR GAVE THE WRONG RARITY INFORMATION, I DO NOT DO THIS TO TRICK PEOPLE OR ANYTHING TO THE SUCH. I JUST AM NOT SURE OF THE DIFFERENT RULES. THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING. I do use penny sleeves when I am scanning my cards is if you see scratches etc. could be the sleeve, just feel free to ask. Thanks Happy E-baying.